GDPR Settings
This page explains the different tabs available to customize the cookie notification bar.
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This page explains the different tabs available to customize the cookie notification bar.
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There are different tabs to customize the cookie notification bar.
Cookie List
Script Blocker
Compliances tab has 6 cards - Cookie Notice, Enable Visitor Conditions, Privacy Policy Settings, Revoke Consent, Consent Settings, Extra Settings.
Enable Cookie Notice - (Enable / Disable) the cookie bar on your website.
Select the Type of Law - (GDPR / CCPA / GDPR & CCPA / ePrivacy) Select GDPR to show GDPR Cookie Consent Notice Bar.
Message Heading - Enter the text you want to display as heading on Cookie Bar. If you want a smaller height, you can keep this empty.
GDPR Message - This text will be displayed on Cookie Bar. Depending on the language of the site, you can change this text to other languages.
About Cookies Message - This text will be visible to website visitors under 'About Cookies' section when they click on 'Cookie Settings' button.
Show only for EU Visitors - (GDPR) Show cookie notice to European visitors only.
Using the Privacy policy settings, you can choose to add a link to your Privacy Policy page/URL to the cookie message.
Enable Privacy Policy Link - (On / Off) Enable or disable the button.
Text - Text which should be displayed on a particular button.
Text Color - (Color picker) Select color for the button.
Show as - (Button / Link) Select appearance should be a button or as a link.
Page or Custom URL - (Page / Custom Link) Select a published page from the website or provide a custom link where visitors will be taken after clicking on Read More Link.
Page - Select a published page from a website or provide a custom link where visitors will be taken after clicking on ‘Read More Link’.
Synchronize with WordPress Policy Page - (Enable / Disable) If enabled, visitor will be redirected to Privacy Policy Page set in WordPress settings irrespective of Page set in the previous setting. You can update WordPress Privacy Policy Page by visiting WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Privacy > Change your Privacy Policy page.
URL - If 'Action' is selected as Custom URL then provide which url will be opened.
Open URL in new window? - (Yes / No) If 'Action' is selected as Custom URL then select if URL should be opened in new window or same window.
Enable Revoke Consent - (Enable / Disable) If you want to show the option for the user to change consent. Appears after the visitor has accepted or rejected cookie options. It appears at the bottom of the webpage.
Tab Position - (Left / Right) Select left or right side of the website.
Tab Margin (in %) - Specify margin in percentage.
Tab Text - The text to be displayed on the Show Again Button.
Enable Consent Logging - Logs user consents.
AutoTick for Non-Necessary Cookies- (Enable or Disable) Pre-select non-necessary cookie checkboxes.
Auto Hide (Accept) - (Enable or Disable) If enabled Cookie Bar will be automatically hidden after specified time (As set for the Auto Hide Delay) and cookie preferences will be set as accepted.
Auto Hide Delay (in Milliseconds) - Time after which Cookie Bar will be automatically hidden. Note that time is in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds). Default: 10 seconds.
Auto Scroll (Accept) - (Enable or Disable) If enabled, Cookie Bar will automatically hide after the visitor scrolls the webpage and consent will be automatically accepted as Yes (If Auto-Tick for Non-Necessary Cookies are enabled).
Auto Scroll Offset (in percent) - Auto Scroll setting will affect after this much percentage of webpage is scrolled.
Auto Click (Accept) - (Enable or Disable) If enabled, cookies will be accepted automatically when the visitor clicks anywhere on the page (except for the cookie bar area).
Reload after Scroll Accept - (Enable or Disable) If enabled webpage will be refreshed automatically once cookie settings are accepted because of scrolling.
Reload after Accept - (Enable or Disable) If enabled webpage will be refreshed automatically once cookie settings are accepted.
Reload after Decline - (Enable or Disable) If enabled webpage will be refreshed automatically once cookie settings are declined.
Restrict Pages and/or Posts - Select pages and/or posts to be excluded during scanning of your website for cookies.
Delete Plugin Data on Deactivation - Enable to delete all the plugin data from the database on deactivating the plugin.
Show Credits - If you are happy with the product and want to share credit with the developer.
Cookie Expiry - (Dropdown) Select the time for which cookie with user preferences will be saved on user's browser.
Configuration tab has 2 cards - Configure Cookie Bar, Cookie Bar Template.
Show Cookie Notice as - (Banner / Popup / Widget) Select how to display Cookie Bar.
Cookie Bar Position - (Bottom / Top) If 'Cookie Bar as' option is selected as Banner, then select Bottom or Top position to display Cookie Bar Banner.
Add Overlay - (On / Off) If 'Cookie Bar as' option is selected as Popup, Select if there should be Overlay or not for popup.
Cookie Bar Position - (Left / Right) If 'Cookie Bar as' option is selected as Widget, Select left or right position to display Cookie Bar Widget.
On hide - (Animate / Disappear) Select behavior of closing action of Cookie Bar once visitor accepts or rejects cookie settings.
On load- (Animate / Sticky) Select behavior of loading action of Cookie Bar when the visitor visits a page.
Cookie Bar Template - Select template with predefined styles for Cookie bar. Select Cookie Bar as you wish. If you use any template preview will be displayed with default text.
Design tab has 5 cards - Cookie Bar Body Design, Accept Button, Accept All Button, Decline Button, Settings Button.
Cookie Bar Color - (Color picker) Select color for Cookie Bar.
Cookie Bar Opacity - (Slider) Select opacity for Cookie Bar, You can adjust the transparency of Cookie Bar here.
Text Color - (Color picker) Select color for text on Cookie Bar.
Border Styles - (Dropdown selector) Select a style for the border of the cookie bar.
Border Width - (Slider) Select the width for the cookie bar border.
Border Color - (Color picker) Select color for Cookie Bar border.
Border Radius - (Slider) Select the radius for the cookie bar border.
Font - (Dropdown selector) Select your default theme font or from provided standard fonts for Cookie Bar text.
Clicking on Configure Button will open a popup with Button settings.
Enable - (On / Off) Enable or disable the button.
Text - Text which should be displayed on particular button.
Text Color - (Color picker) Select color for button.
Show as - (Button / Link) Select appearance should be as button or as link.
Background Color - (Color picker) Select background color for button.
Background Opacity - Select background opacity for button.
Border Style - Select the type of border style from the given options for the button.
Border Color - Select the border color for the button.
Border Width - Select the border width for the button.
Border Radius - Select the border radius for the button.
Button Size - (Large / Medium / Small) Select size from predefined options for each button. Default value is Medium. For Read More link this option is not available.
Action - (Close Header / Open URL) Select action to do once user clicks on button. With close header Cookie Bar will be closed. If open URL option is selected, provided URL will be opened. This option is not available for Settings Button.
URL - If 'Action' is selected as Open URL then provide which URL will be opened.
Open URL in new window? - (Yes / No) If 'Action' is selected as Open URL then select if URL should be opened in new window or same window.
The cards Accept Button, Accept All Button, Decline Button, Settings Button have the same set of settings for the respective buttons.
Cookie List tab has 2 cards - Custom Cookies and Discovered Cookies.
In the Custom Cookies section, you can manually add the cookies and their details. The following are the fields in the Cookie List tab:
Cookie Name - Add the name of the cookie.
Cookie Domain - Domain that sets this cookie.
Cookie Category - Category where you want the cookie to belong. The category includes Analytics, Marketing, Necessary, Preferences and Unclassified.
Cookie Type - The types include HTTP Cookie, HTML Local Storage, Flash Local Shared Object, Pixel Tracker and IndexedDB.
Cookie Duration - Time duration the cookies will be active on the browser.
Cookie Purpose - Description specifying the purpose for which cookie will be used.
After the above changes, save the settings.
You can also Delete or Edit the already saved cookies.
Discovered Cookies section lets you automatically scan the cookies and add them to the plugin.
Clicking on the Scan Now button, the plugin will start scanning important URLs of the website. (available in Pro version).
You could also exclude pages and/or posts from scanning. The setting is available under Compliances Tab > Consent Settings > Restrict Pages and/or Posts.