The new GDPR Cookie Consent dashboard displays all the vital information you need at a glance.
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The new GDPR Cookie Consent dashboard displays all the vital information you need at a glance.
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The GDPR Cookie Consent contains a progress circle for guiding you through the next steps, shows important links at your fingertips, useful tips and tricks, and other valuable plugins from WPeka.
The dashboard includes 4 sections - Your Progress, Quick Links, Tips and Tricks, and Other Plugins.
This section ensures that you are guided through the next important steps after installing the plugin GDPR cookie consent on your website. The progress circle will reach 100% when all the 5 requirements are met. Let’s look into the 5 requirements in detail:
Ensure no other cookie plugin is installed on your WordPress to avoid conflict. If any cookie plugin is already installed, you can deactivate it.
Scan for cookies on your website. Note that this is a pro feature and could be accessed only by upgrading to the pro version of the plugin. Click on the ‘Upgrade to pro’ to access this feature.
Ensure that the cookie notice appears on your website.
Install and activate the GDPR Pro plugin.
Enable geotargeting with MaxMind Integration. This is also a pro feature and could be accessed after upgrading to the pro version. Click on the ‘Upgrade to pro’ to access this feature. After installing and activating the pro version, click on the ‘click here to configure’ link to configure this setting.
You can access the links to our documentation, video tutorials, and support community/forum on the top right of the Dashboard.
This section contains some of the important options of the plugin in the form of quick links. With the free version of this plugin, the users can access Settings, Design Cookie Banner, and Script Blocker options. The users need to upgrade to the pro version to access the rest of the options.
Settings: Access the Settings page to configure the Cookie Settings.
Consent Log: This will lead to the section where the users’ consent logs are stored(pro).
Scan Cookies: Access the Scan Cookies feature(pro).
Geo-targeting: Enable geo-targeting by enabling max mind integration(pro).
Design Cookie Banner: Customize the cookie banner as per your choice.
Banner Templates: Access pre-designed templates for your cookie banner (pro).
Script Blocker: This will take you to the script blocker section. If a user decides to not allow marketing cookies then third-party services will not run on that user's browser. By default, the script blocker is off.
Third Party Details: Embed third-party cookie details. Add third-party details and use the shortcode [wpl_cookie_details] to display cookie policy data on the pages.
Get answers to the most commonly asked questions by the users. Go through our blogs and videos to know how to use our plugin in the best way possible.
In this section, you can find other useful plugins by WPeka for your WordPress website like:
WP LegalPages: WPLegalPages is a popular privacy policy generator WordPress Plugin, with 25+ automated legal policy templates for all websites.
WP AdCenter: WP AdCenter is a powerful and advanced WordPress ads manager plugin that can display all types of ads. It supports all popular ad networks like Google AdSense, Amazon Shopping Ads, Media.net, InfoLinks, and more.
SurveyFunnel: Survey Funnel helps you generate highly qualified leads on your website by engaging visitors using simple, unobtrusive surveys, understanding who your website visitors are & why they’re here, and showing them relevant opt-ins and offers.